Wednesday, October 14, 2015


We stopped in Mt. Shasta, CA after leaving Ashland, OR. Mt. Shasta is a little town surrounded by the massive Shasta Mountain, a northern CA landmark & potentially active volcano, located at the southern end of the Cascade Range in Siskiyou, CA. Shasta Mountain peaks at 14,179 ft. Not only huge, it is incredibly beautiful and we could not take our eyes of off the mountain driving into town. 

While in the downtown area, we met Mack, who retired to the town 20 years ago. We were chit-chatting & asking him where we could go for a bike ride or hike and he suggested this loop around Lake Siskiyou. Half-joking (as he is 81 years old) I said, "feel free to join us!" and he thought about it for a second and said, "my house is right up the street let me go get my bike!" The three of us ventured out on this almost 8 mile trail ride around the lake and let me tell was not easy and very rock filled! Mack led the whole way and I was having a hard time keeping up! Not to mention he was talking the whole time and giving us the history of the lake and town and was not the least bit out of breath (I was!!!) He does this ride once a week he said! We sure hope to be in such great at 81! We had so much fun meeting him and spending the afternoon with him and really hope our paths connect with him again sometime!

1 comment:

  1. How marvelous! We visited Shasta a number of years back. The whole time we were there it was overcast. We didn't see the mountain once!
